Fall arrest impact

Amount of impact allowed by standards

In order to avoid injuries, personal protective equipment (PPE) should be designed to resist the maximum forces that could be developed during a fall, and the equipment should reduce these forces and the deceleration on the wearer to the kinds of values that are not dangerous. A deceleration of 12G is considered survivable if the individual is wearing a parachute harness, but the postures, physical fitness levels, harness attachment location, ’wearer comfort’ and other factors have influenced the advisability that 6G should be considered as a maximum for users of industrial harnesses.

This means that for a medium body weight of 100 kg, the maximum arrest force is 6 kN according to European standardisation and maximum 8 kN according to American standardisation.

Only certain components, or assembly of components, fulfil these conditions and can be used where there is the risk of falling from height.

video: Drop test Fall Impact - With & Without Energy Absorber
YouTube channel:Drop test Fall Impact - With & Without Energy Absorber
quiz: What part of the rigging system gets the most impact during a fall?
All mentioned above get same impact until weakest part is broken
quiz: According to PPE standards maximum allowed fall arrest force is ...
2 masses of the worker
6kN in Europe and 8kN in US
10 masses of the worker


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